Legendary by Stephanie Garber is the direct sequel to Caraval. This book follows the story of Tella (“Donatella Dragna”), and not Scarlet. Tella must now compete and win Carval to save her mother. Tella’s experience with Caraval is much different than Scarlet’s was. There are so many new elements introduced in this book - Deck of Destiny, Prince of Hearts, Elantine’s Lost Heir - and Caraval itself appears to be more than just a game this time. I don’t recall there being any set-up in the previous book for all these new elements, but maybe I missed something?
I was really annoyed in the beginning of this story because Tella does not start out as a likable character. But, as the story unfolds, you really come to understand why she is the way she is. Her attitude is her armor, and underneath it all I believe that she just wants to be loved.
Like Scarlet before her, Tella goes through a lot in this book… Cursed Love, Cruel Fates, and the mysterious and sexy Caraval Master. I felt a roller-coaster of emotions reading this book, and I definitely need to read the next book to better understand everything that happened at the end of this book.