Kris Reviews

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How Anyone can Become a Reader

The great thing about reading, is that there are so many different types of things that you can read. Whether it’s the morning paper, steamy romance novels, true crime mysteries, or young adult series, everyone can find something that they can enjoy reading. Reading is a great way to work the muscles in your brain. You’d be surprised how much information your mind will retain after you read something. The more you read, the information you will have, and information is power. If you want to try reading, but aren’t sure where to start, here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. What are you passionate about?

    Everyone has something that makes them happy… whether it be a certain color, type of food, movies, dance, family, friends, the list can go on and on. Pick a few things that you know you love (example - chocolate) and find a book, short story or article that is related to that topic. If food makes you happy, try picking up a new cookbook. If you enjoy streaming true crime documentaries, maybe a mystery novel or magazine article might be for you. Finding what you actually would be interested in reading about, is an important first step in becoming a reader.

  2. Decide why you want to read

    This may come as a surprise, but everyone has a different reason why they want to read. For me, I read because I think it’s fun. I love to get lost in a book and learn about new people, places and things. Some people read to relax and unwind at the end of the day. Some people read for entertainment. Some people read to educate themselves. You need to think about what it is you want to accomplish when you read. If you are thinking “Well I just want to read for something to do”, doing something is an accomplishment. Just think about it… you could be doing nothing, but if you are choosing to read, you are choosing to do something. Figuring out why you want to read, and what you want to read about it, should put you in a good place to actually pick up that book/magazine/newspaper etc.

  3. Start small

    No matter how much you may want to impress your family, friends or new partner, do not pick up that 800+ page Dune novel unless you are ready! Just like any other activity, you need to start small, and work you way up to longer and lengthier reading. No one can just lift 100 pounds right off the bat, you need to start small and work at it. Once you’ve found something that you’re interested in, try reading an article in a newspaper or magazine. Then, try reading a children’s book, maybe then a lengthier young adult novel. Finally, go for the gold and grab the biggest book you can find! (not really) Again, start small - Any reading is good reading!

  4. Make time to read

    Yes, it can be hard sometimes to find the time to read. Especially if you are someone who has been lucky enough to be employed during this time. I challenge you though…. If you know why you want to read, and you know what you want to read about, you can spend 5 - 10 minutes reading something small at anytime throughout you day. Some people like to read in the morning, some people like to read at night. Maybe you like to read during your lunch break. Whatever your time is, pick a time slot, and commit to using that time every week, every day, or whatever time works for you.

  5. Have something ready to read

    When you pick out something to read, you DO NOT have to read it right away. Some of you, like me, probably have tons of books sitting on shelves just waiting to be picked up. But, the thought of picking up and actually opening a book can be daunting. So, once you pick out a book that you think you want to try, put it aside, somewhere easily accessible, set your reading time (ex. later that day, the next morning, etc.) When you finally settle down for your reading time, the perfect book will be there waiting for you.

By taking the steps above, you will be prepared to read something that you actually want to read, and will actually have time to read. It’s amazing how a little preparation can go a long way. Once you start, you will be able to make reading a part of your everyday life. There is no end to the worlds you can discover, information you can learn, and stories you can fall in love with when you read. So don’t wait, start your list of passions now while you have the time.

Happy Reading!